EU Elections

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The EU Parliament is the only institution directly elected by EU citizens. The Lisbon Treaty has given more power to the Parliament. From 2014 the Parliament will have co-decision powers with the Council except in the areas of defence and foreign affairs. The EU Parliament has an increasing impact on the daily lives of the 500 million people living in the EU. Its decisions will also have a far reaching impact on lives of people living in the developing world. Decisions on trade and the environment will either enhance or further disadvantage the well being of EU citizens as well as that of citizens of developing countries.

Direct Elections to the European Parliament are held every 5 years. 

There are 705 members of the European Parliament (MEPs) elected by 27 EU states.  

The When and The How of EU Elections

EU Elections must be held every five years in May or June.

Where: In locations designated by Local City or County Councils

How: Single transferable vote

Who can be elected?

Any person over 18 years of age. 

Who can vote?

Persons over 18 years of age who are registered who are EU citizens. 

Organisation :

The Local Authority is responsible for the organisation of EU Elections.


Candidates must be nominated six weeks before polling day.

For more information:-

European Elections: 

For more information visit websites